• PRP For Hair Loss

    Thinking about PRP for hair loss but wondering if it works? The easy answer is the jury is still out. PRP comes from blood components which separate after being processed in a centrifuge. The components include plasma, white blood cells and platelets, and red blood cells. Plasma and platelets compose approximately 55% of blood volume.

    To get platelet rich plasma, whole blood is first removed with a small needle in a prominent vein. The blood is then combined with a chemical to prevent clotting. It is then placed in a centrifuge. The blood is separated into the components. Other chemicals are placed into the separation to concentrate the platelets in the plasma layer. The PRP is then injected into the scalp.

    How does PRP work for hair loss?

    Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains several growth factors. These include 3 main components: platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). All of these factors are important in the growth and maintenance of blood vessels. Research has shown that PRP has the ability to induce and maintain the growing part of the hair cycle, the anagen phase.

    Studies of PRP for hair loss treatment

    There are several studies which have  looked at using PRP for hair loss. Unfortunately the studies have mixed results. Fortunately, there are minimal to no side effects and the procedure is minimally invasive, similar to taking blood for a yearly physical exam. Current studies were done with various protocols and the follow up is relatively short. It appears that multiple regular treatments would be necessary to maintain results.

    Given the early results of PRP for hair loss treament, it may play a part in a comprehensive hair loss treatment.

    To learn more about PRP for hair loss and other hair loss treatments, contact DFW hair transplant surgeon Dr. Verret for a consultation.

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